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Study Group

Course Details

What to Expect

What We Teach

This FREE theology course was developed for pastors and believers who want to revive their knowledge and understanding of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and in turn, revive their churches too. Become more equipped about key topics such as biblical covenants, why Jesus spoke in parables and how to know the truth about the mysteries of the end times. 

This course is grounded on solid biblical content and helps with knowing how to apply the word practically be led by God into a new level of intellectual and spiritual maturity, and develop Bible based leadership skills which help with the ability to function as productive leaders in a rapidly growing, changing and diverse society. 

Four Modules

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Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

A comprehensive overview of the Bible.

Topics on Jesus’ teachings in the
four gospels

The key chapters of the Old and New Testaments and how they connect
to show us God’s plan across time. 

Looking into the
prophetic words of the New Testament
including Revelation

How It Is Taught


All four Modules: covered within 6 months

  • Sessions: 3 times per week for approx. 1 hrs​

We welcome our Auckland and Wellington students in person at the specified venue.

Students in other regions will participate online.

The sessions will be comprised of the main lecture followed by small group discussions.

Benefits of Studying this Course

  • Understand the full context of the Bible, see the relationship between the Old and New Testaments and the purpose of both. See how each book interlinks and also concludes in the last book, Revelation.​​

  • Realise God's plan for His people for 6,000 years and know how to align ourselves with His will today.​​

  • Study deeply about God's secrets/mysteries/signs and why the Bible contains these.​

  • Understand the prophecies about the end times in the books of the gospels and Revelation.​

What Do I Need?

To be able to complete the course and receive the certificate you will just need the following:


  • Pen and notebooks to take notes

  • Commitment to attend all classes

  • Willingness to communicate

  • A positive attitude and open ears

  • Curiosity to understand God and His Word

Begin your journey in God, today

© 2024 by Pathways Ministries.

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New Heaven New Earth, Church of Jesus

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